lost and confused
Hi people,
Our company does anti money laundering software for banks and financial organizations. We would like to build an "online community" for the users of our software to share ideas, questions, experiences with the federal regulators etc.
So, my boss thought this would be a good idea and well i got shafted with the project. I post alot on forums but by all means am not a computer guru.
So, can some one explain......
If we purchase vbulleting how would i be able to like add out copanies logo and stuff to the heading and home page?
Question number 2: we are very worried about security is there any way to limit the user to be able to online log in form their banks ip address? Its very confidential informaiton and should be seen by non customers etc.
I also looked at a ubb site and it looks almost exactly like the vbulletin forums can some one explain the difference.
I need answers kinda fast..... boss is breathing down my neck.
Crystal :nervous: