My current project, tell me what you think.
As many of you seen, theres some places that uses images to verify stuff like creating a new account and so on, like at pay pal.
I like the idea, a way to prevent automated sign up's, so I decided to write a script and intergrate it with vBulletin and add image verification to account sign ups.
So far you can choose the amount of digits you want it to show and the output of the final image, such as a png or a jpeg. It uses a table on mysql to store the data, when some one goes to register it creates a table to store the hash, the ip, the value thats shown on the image and the time. All the user see's in the hash for example:
also I have it so after 30 minutes the data gets removed in case they decide ot to sign up or idle, if they idle and return after 30 minutes and refresh the page, the data for the sign up changes.
There will be two image types you can choose from:
1. Each letter(capital and lowercase) and number are seperate images and the script that generates the main image adds them together as one image, this is currently done and is shown in the attachment below.
2. Supply just a background image and then the text will be written over the center of it.
Also im adding support to "distort" the image like adding lines and so on over the top of it.
Tell me what you think.
Also if any one out thats good with graphics and wanna help out with the images, feel free to contact me.