Ok you have your forum closed to guest, thats why its doing this why you include global.php in the file. you can do one of two things. Open the board to guest. or change a template so it points to member.php correctly and change the { imagefolder } call so the images will not be broken when someone gets the error on index.php.
Open template: error_nopermission_loggedout
## Find:
<form action="member.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]">
## Change to:
<form action="/path/to/vB/directory/member.php" method="post"><input type="hidden" name="s" value="$session[sessionhash]">
Change this bit of code to suit your server:
Next, under Replacments click the modify link.
## Find (without the spaces): { imagesfolder }
Click edit and change this to the directpath to the image folder. for example mine is set to
http://www.kousetsu.net/forums/images insted of /images.