Hello, guys. This is the url to my forums:
Gaming Quadrant Discussion Boards .
Now before you register, or even criticize, let me say something. GamingQuadrant, I guarantee, is NOT the same website that you see over and over again with different urls. We aim to cover games from a different, and yet MORE important point of view: innovation. That is what keeps mankind striving and going forward. Ingenuity and creativity is at the core of all success and progress.
Therefore, everything should be seen that way. Pardon me if you don't want to agree. Anyways, we want to shed some light into the gaming community. We want to be different, and we're doing all that's possible to be so. So if you are interested in this new way of coverage and discussion, then feel free to check out the forums, read the 'welcoming' threads, and then ask yourself "what do I want to do here?" and wham, you got it.
On a side note, I installed and changed layout content this Saturday. I know that these 'graphics gurus' won't be able to say much about my site in this thread. Hehe, but I promise to work on the forums this upcoming weekend. Not to mention, I plan to install a couple of useful hacks. I simply felt eager to announce my forums link to you guys.