Originally posted by SkuZZy
Google is dancing! For those of you who installed this hack in early to mid-janary, check to see if google spidered your pages. There is a simple way to check:
1. Go to http://www2.google.com (notice the www2).
2. Type in: site:www.yoursite.com yoursite. (So for instance, I would type in "site:www.battleforums.com battleforums")
3. Check to see how many pages are listed. I notice some sites have alot of pages listed. Thrillnetwork has over 8000 pages indexed for example (not all of them from the archive).
My site was only a couple of weeks old when I added this hack and got in before the last dance. Still, this hack has allowed Google to index over 300 pages of archive content and is currently deep crawling it again this month. This is great and is really going to help get my fledgling board off to the races! Thanks, Skuzzy!
Hey, Skuzzy--What is the sequence for the data at www2 to be added to the www index? Cudos for figuring all of this stuff out! I have also heard of a tool that can display the PR of a page. Is this a worthwhile thing to have and if so, where would one get it?