@ Hellsatan - I will remember that for the future
@ Avio - There are 5 breeds with 2 pictures for each, male and female.
@ Sinister - I have no plans to do this, as with the next version of the hack I plan to have pets evolving, and I think with that its better to have some control, rather than letting every member make 3 images for their pet.
@ Tony - I will write a quick guide on how to add more pets if you would like it.
@ Nuclion - I do not know how to do that, but I will certainly look into it for the next version!
@ DarkDraco - If you read the futureversions.txt in the zip file you will see that I plan to have levels in version 3.0 - however making 30(+) images will be hard for Danwei, so give us some time
Thanks for your comments guys