uploaded the alice-aiml-2.0-programe to server and installed it to the datebase (used its own db)
theres no hacking of vB code has far has i know has a friend did it for me, far has i know its just one php file in the forums root folder telling it where to post and how much to post.
and then just set it a user id up on the board.
1) pick a forum or forums it can post in.
2) pick how much it replys eg after every post or after every 2 posts and so on.
3) get rid of quotes which will confuse the bot.
4) random smilies at end of its post.
5) only replys to a post with over so many letters to stop it replying to just a smilie.
All the above is edited via 1 php file in root folder that is only 74 lines of code.
I tell you what i do i set the forum up so guest's can view it, the bot is called TomBot and my user's are love it lol.
forum is