Originally posted by PlurPlanet
deano1 - I accidentally overlooked using vBcode in signatures. You can fix that by opening your myvbindex.php file and looking for:
if ($news[showsignature]==1) {
Right below that add:
you right
thanks for your help
one other thing
this step to install the portal
i could not do at all
if i did do this
it would wipe out my online users
and only show one , if the person was there or not
this step i'm reffering to is this
but it works fine without it
In your Admin CP, find the Templates section and click on Modify. Find your "forumhome_loggedinuser" template and replace the code there with this code.
<a href="$bburl/member.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&action=getinfo&userid=$userid">$username</a>$invisibleuser