Originally posted by KuraFire
Ack, yeah, I forgot to update the parse error code in the zipfile, will do that right away tomorrow!
No biggie. It jumped right out at me, easy to fix. 
Boofo: I deliberately made it _not_ to check on whether you had a signature or not, to have it auto-checked or not. I *Hate* signatures for each post, I disabled sigs for 80% on my board (you really simply have to put effort into it if you want your sig to show more than once in a thread) and I would rather see _more_ boards use sigs off by default.
I also hate it that vb.org has sigs on if you use quickreply. It's yucky and hugely annoying (esp. for ppl on slow connections like me)
I was trying to follow how it is in the newreply, that's why I did the extra code for the signature. It's easy enough to turn it off in your options, but I kind of like having it follow suit. Just personal preference, I guess. I have a cable connection, so I don't get the slowdown. That probably makes a difference in my desire for this, too.
Great hack, though. Nice touch.