Then the instruction i got where messed up or somthing I checked again.....but thanks

Ive followed all the instructions I havnt missed a thing but at the start it says:
Hack-Description: This Hack adds something like the "Currently Active Users:"-Feature of vBulletin.
The difference is, instead of showing the users, who are _currently_ online, it shows
all Users, who _were_ online on a _day_ & "Most users ever online on a day".
Version: 1.0.2
Updates in 1.0.2: Fixed a little Bug with the "Most users ever online on a day"-Count
(Replace '$maxusers[2] = $todayonline;' with '$maxusers[2] = $numbertodayonline;' in index.php)
Updates in 1.0.1: Inserted the two new templates into the template precaching (first step)
Do i have to do that? I havnt used any of the old versions.