ok im sorry but im a bit lost i can user a bot either local or remote which i have tried both ways...lets start by going remote first... ok i have choosen :
Bot remote, file access remote, no db lookup:
ok in the index.php file i have it set like this :$onlinefile = "http://www.myweburl.com/forums/chat/user.txt"; //path to online users file
now in the usc.tcl i have it set like this set i2h_htmlfile "http://www.myweburlcom/forums/chat/user.txt".
which does not work....Im not understanding how the bot can write to a file on a diffrent server.
also i have tried to make the bot write to a file that i put in the bots main dir /home/bot/user.txt
either way the bot gets a error on startup and will not load.
Now on using the bot local and the vbb server local
I have a bot on the same server as the vbb but it has a diffrent login...how does that work ?