Originally posted by Da`Nacho
I've figured out the cause... It's the $vbchamptext and $vbchampicon if you use it in the postbit templates. Any time a browser reads a thread with a champion in it, online.php sees them as 'Playing in the Arcade' because they are being served the champtext or champicon from proimage.php.
I'll just pull the variables from my postbit templates for now, but it would be cool if there was a way of fixing this.
The $vpachampicon is the culprit b/c it makes the call to proimage.php. $vpachamptext does not.
So here's a simple fix. Upload all of the crown images to /forum/images. Then in your postbit template, remove "$vpachampicon", but leave "$vpachamptext" in there.
Then go to your admin control panel and click "modify games".. Under each game where it says "Champion Text for whatever game", you can use html to include the crown image next to the text. ie: Breakout Champ <img src="http://yoursite.com/forums/images/icon-crown-red.gif">. The images will show up in the threads, and your online.php will still show the correct locations.