While it took some doing, I did get it to run on 2.2.9.
I must say that my eyes are hammered from having to muddle through all of the threads in order to get it, but the details you need ARE here.
I run Teck's vbHome(lite) and have the stats link on my forum home. If you want to see it all in action together, see the link below.
I am too whipped right now to summarize the changes that I had to make to get it all to work, but I am throwing my hat in the ring to help get it going for others. I think that when I get a free moment in the next couple of days, I will summarize everything and put it up so that the next guy will not have to go hunting as I had to to get this thing to work.
Very nice, Bane. It was worth the work.
Here is a link to mine.......