Maybe my approach is just all wrong?
I have posted a request in this forum for the first of several mods I would like to have done on my site. I have offered to pay for this service, and am NOT a freeloader. I do not think my original request was going to be THAT tough to do. But maybe I am wrong. It was generally ignored, so I don't know for sure.
So I found what looked like a commercial vBulletin programming group (Pixeljunction), and contacted them via their site with a request for paid assistance to implement various mods for me. This was, too, ignored. So I tried again and specifically asked to the single mod mentioned in this forum. This also was ignored. I guess they have so much work that they can afford to do that. I'm very glad for them.
So what am I doing wrong? Halitosis of the keyboard fingers? Is there something inherrently wrong with trying to find assistance for work that I don't have the time to do myself?
When I was considering buying vBulletin (I now have two paid licenses) part of the draw was because there seemed to be a very large user base and in there appeared to be a large amount of talent on tap to draw from for help. But are looks that misleading? From the mods I have seen in here, there are a lot of real good programmers available, but is this nothing more than just an ego board? Are genuine requests for help just shunned in favor of working instead on the latest and greatest bell and whistle just for accolades from the masses?
I'm really baffled by this. This probably isn't the proper place either to spout off like this, but heck, what do I know? I can't even figure out how to get the attention of interested and qualified programming help around here. So certainly I would fail at this attempt as well.