Originally posted by Lord Dexter
Not bad, but isn't that a bought skin? If it is, I suggest you do your own design. It will always benefit you if your work in 100% original to the site.
You haven't read the past posts apparently

It's a skin from vbskins that I have decided to use, they did the vBulletin part, I did the vbPortal part, sort of a informal cooperation. We convert their skins to work with vbPortal for them and they get to distribute them. Beside's the site is being designed to suit the non-vbulletin hacker community, it's just an ol' folks home guy's.... We will have lot's of styles/themes niffty things in the future, I happen to like this style, I have more than enough of my own, if you have ever visited my developement site, but me like this one...
If everyone here went 100% on their own where would we be, I say support the troops, use the hacks, use the styles (if you use them) give the deveopers the credit they deserve, I say hats off to everyone that helped me... Formost vBulletin, where would you be, if you had to be 100% original and couldn't use vbulletin

or their templates, I like it, I use it.