The store hack gives values based on the posts so one of its features is that it increments the users post count. Make sure you havent installed another hack that does the same action. In my board I installed the user class hack. Since that hack is based on post counts it included a piece of that incremented the users post count. When it was added after the store hack code the user would get their count incremented once by the store and the once more by the user class. Make sure you dont have something like that.
When you delete the extra store code in the storeadmin.php becareful wich piece you delete. If you delete the pieces lowest in the file you will delete the bug fix that pays out the entire jackpot and not just the money from tickets sold. That fix is in the pieces higher up in the code.
Lesane...fantastik hack...the one question you never answered was could you make an addon that would be for awarding things the admins merchandise. We set the price and as an action the person buying is deducted the money and the admin is sent a PM saying they bought the item. We could then initiate contact with the person to arrange delivery. Just an idea...