Hey guys!
I'm so excited! With the coding expertise of one of our own from here...I've been able to launch a new look to my site, integrating the vb into my index page of the domain.
Since I have a women's health website, I don't usually share about my site but I'm so happy with the outcome, I wanted you all to see.
The main index page of the domain is within my templates.
I have a "good discussion" ability to pull a thread (based on thread ID, editable, replies to display, customizable title) to the main domain page. This isn't always based on "most replies" but on content so I wanted to be able to choose weekly.
I have a "news box" where I can add text to my template for current events if any. Nothing to say, I can make it not appear within my templates.
I have some info that shows up for non-members, guests, on how to use the website. Once they log-in, the page is different, with member news ...about our voluntary subscription program for added benefits to the member. (Log in, control panel, etc)
I have latest 10 posts from two of our busiest forums...
All of this is editable and alterable through my templates in VB.
Want to see? (Remember, this is a women's site...

Please visit nicely, carefully.
Thanks Logician for your awesome work!