As far as the commas... it's really not me that wants them... it's the owner (for consistency with members online, staff online (another hack we added), and birthdays, so it would be nice
As far as the "_" in nicknames... I am very well aware that IRC doesn't allow spaces (hence the reason our IRC client automatically replaces those spaces with underscores). Like yours, it is a private IRC server (hybrid server and JPilot for the client), and I was basically wondering if there was something that allows us to check to see if they do or don't have the underscore (since there are some members with them in their nickname), and if they don't have their underscore in their board nick, switch it back.
For example, many of our moderators/admin have spaces in their name as well as members (Like Alex Westerman, Erik Johnson, or PKI MAN). There are also some members with nicknames like MST3K_FREAK6666, so somehow it's gotta be able to catch it.
If you need any more info, let me know and I'll get it.