Originally posted by mackers8923
I am interested to know, when my users go into the chat area I have no control over, who gets access or banned words etc etc.. Did I miss something or does it not exist with this hack?
That has nothing to do with the hack itself...what you are asking is a function of the irc server daemon that you are connecting to and the jpilot irc application. Typically, for example, if you use a common irc client such as mIRC (
www.mirc.org) then you would issue commands in the channel to ban someone (ex: /mode #channel +ban *!*@hostmask.com)
All this hack does is integrate the launch of jpilot to a link from your forum to allow ease of use for non-irc junkies and give you the option to make it as painless as possible (ie, join a specific server/port/channel, assign nick name, etc)