Nice work nakkid,
I noticed that each page archived has this in their meta tags
<meta name="keywords" content="vbhome,indexer,search,submit,portal,news, frontpage,teckwizards,vbulletin,forum,bbs,discussi on">
<meta name="description" content="Search Engine Indexer will create friendly URL's for vBulletin software. To visit the author's website, go to .">
And I have also removed the Powered by Search Engine Indexer part from the <img> tag that is in front of the navbar. I see no reason why it is there - it replaces the original vbulletin part, which I have replaced with my own title.
I kind of dislike that since they are not words I would like to use and they are not part of the copyright. I removed those and replaced with my own, doubt you mind this.
It was easy to install, and done in a matter of minutes. There are a few things that I noticed - the templates are put in their own group, and there were only a few little file changes. Nice job.
For anybody who wants to see another live-demo: and click on the 'Archives' link in the bottom menu. Or go directly to
If you want to see differences between styles, you can also goto creations main site and click on 'Click here to load the new mozilla style' and then goto the archives link.
And I have just submitted the url to all the above search engines.