Ahhh, I didn't notice that in Chevy's version he has it where you would have to also create options to turn them on and off... If you don't care about adding the option to disable them in the Admin CP, you can just remove this bit of code at the beginning of each custom one:
if ($showcustom2) {
And also the last } right below the call to the template.
If you want to add options to turn them on and off, just log into phpMyAdmin and run this query:
INSERT INTO setting VALUES (NULL,50,'Show Custom Template 2?','showcustom2','0','Show your second customized template.','yesno','30');
You would change the two places you see the number 2 in that query to 3, then 4, and so on for more templates. You would also need to change the last number (30) to incriment by one for each one you add (that's the part that tells it what order the option should be displayed).