Originally posted by SkuZZy
I really must say, I love your archive. Nice job styling it! Added you to the top of the list 
Like NTLDR mentioned, it takes google a few weeks to update all pages. No pages should even be in google as of now and they will be gone with the next few days (what you're seeing is called everflux). At the end of the month however, there should be alot 
Thanks for installing the hack.
Wow! Thank you for the kind words and consideration! :blush:
It's very nice of you to thank me for installing this hack, but you're the one who's giving ... so I must thank you!

This is a great hack, long overdue, a wonderful contribution. So much so, that I'd be surprised if it doesn't become the number one hack of all times ... our pages in Google ... it doesn't get any better than this! Thanks Again.