Thank m8, the hack works fine......
.... however
I used this in combination with Xenon's mods_can_edit_user-hack.
Now I face the following problem:
When a mod adds a user the usergroup will be "(COPPA) Users Awaiting Moderation", but I like to define a personal defined usergroupid (of course no admin).
In this case (wich is always the case), a moderator still has to go to the admin to change the usergroup of the new user.
I also tried to make the usergroupid of "(COPPA) Users Awaiting Moderation" 'moderatable' in Xenon's hack, but that didn't work (dunno why).
So the solution what I'm thinking of is a definable usergroupid for users that are added by a moderator.
What should I change to make this working?
Thanks in advance (again!).