I'm a new user of VBulletin, after having used the Discusware Discus Pro discussion forum for years. As you have no doubt seen before in this forum, the issue of importing data from Discus has been an issue. I have a Discus board at
www.russbo.com, with over eight thousand messages, and five hundred users, that I would really like to import into my new VBulletin board. I plan on installing VBulletin into my own server, which is an Apple XServe, using OS X 10.2.3.
The Discus board can export text files that can be inputted into Access. Although the rented ISP that I am currently using (Mindspring) does not support MYSQL, I can import the Discus board to my own server, and convert it to MYSQL.
I certainly am not savvy about these things, and I am looking for help with this conversion. Although my site is a "non-pay, non-commmercial" site, and is dedicated towards furthering the understanding of the Shaolin martial arts, I understand that doing a conversion of this nature not only requires expertise, but, takes time, and I would be willing to discuss and provide reimbursement for someone's efforts.
I greatly appreciate any help that can be offered. I can be reached at
Thanks very much!