In this case i don't think i'll reach a conclusion - life isn't about making conclusions though really - you can't say what you said is either wrong or right because i can find examples where your right
and wrong
But the fact is that no-one can make right/wrong decisions - it's just part of life..
If the UN or if the UN doesn't back the US - just the US - decalre war on Iraq then whatever happens there will be people out there who believe it was the right decision and people who believe it was the wrong decision.
There's crazy people out there and these are normal people who mix amongst us in everyday life but that's part of life isn't it... if we interfere with these people what good is it going to do - how can we evolve as a species if we are constantly removing these individuals for society
Draw's Conclusion
In one way your right and one way your wrong but the way i see it whatever happens something bad is going to happen as a result of it - and that's life
- miSt