I'm just wondering if you have tried this or if you just wrote out the code? I've added everything and think that I understand most of it, but nothing shows up. I don't get any errors? I've been reading through the code, trying to understand what it all does. Basically what I see it do is this.
Where you have the $siggies code in the postbit, it will run a few query things to see if you have sigs turned off. If they are turned off, then it will show a box or something that says 'show sigs'. You should be able to click on that to show the sigs or something like that, but I'm not totally sure. When I have all that stuff added though, I don't see any change in the postbit, when I have sigs turned on or off? Also, will this work for all users? I see that the usergroup type is set. I don't think that's really necessary because I think it would be useful for everyone. Any suggestions on what I'm doing wrong?