Well, I've hit the wall with this miniscule php matter. If anyone could provide some help with writing this I'd appreciate it.
I need to do the equivelant of this in the forumdisplay template:
if ($bbuserinfo[usergroupid]==6) {
I don't seem to be formatting it correctly as that doesn't work. I also tried the same in the forumdisplay_newthreadlink, to no avail.
I tried wrapping it in <? tags, I tried modifying the forumdisplay_newthreadlink, I know it's something increadibly basic that I just don't know. I have an ASP/IIS background and am just now (past 3 days) getting into PHP. In ASP I would write
If usergroupid = 6 then
Response.Write "button stuff here"
end if
I obviously don't understand how php and/or vB interpret code in the template.
So, while I'm trying to "rtfm" and learn a little about php sytanx and any caveats related to vB templates; if anyone could help me write that out it would certainly be helpful.