On my index page,
http://www.ffalexandria.com, I want it to say "Welcome back, $user" or "Welcome guest, to Alexandria" if they are a guest. I thought by including ("forums/global.php"); this would work:
PHP Code:
if ($bbuserinfo[userid]!=0) {
$welcome="Welcome back, $username.";
} else {
$welcome="Welcome guest, to Alexandria.";
But it doesn't, keeps giving me this error:
Warning: Unable to access ./admin/config.php in /sites/ffalexandria.com/www/forums/global.php on line 129
All I want it to do is say their username if their logged in, what do I need to do?
EDIT: It doesn't work, but it will say "Welcome guest". But it says that for everyone, even though you are logged in.