I believe on certain forums, of names I wont mention, users register accounts just to get play money. This increases spam, and unwanted posts, however, rather than take the store hack away, wouldn't it be nicer to keep it still? I know it wont stop spam entirely, but it will help, and since I'm no php coder I wouldn't have a clue on where to start with this idea, so I'm requesting it.
When a user posts a typical spam thread, and you know they posted it just to get the play money, you should be able to revoke their money privileges.
There should be a link in the postbit template for everyone's posts which revokes their money privileges. It should put them in another usergroup where they aren't able to get money per post/thread. This should cut down a big part of spamming.
Here's a summary of the idea:
In the postbit template, where the IP logged link is, there should be a link which says 'Revoke [MONEY_NAME] privileges', and when clicked, should take you to a confirmation prompt 'Are you sure you wish to revoke this user's [MONEY_NAME] privileges? YES/NO.' (just to make sure you didn't click it accidentally), and when clicked yes, it puts them in the usergroup where they can't earn any more money for posts/threads. Then the link in the postbit changes to 'Give back [MONEY_NAME] privileges' and when clicked, puts them into the usergroup they were in.
This idea can't be
that hard to complete and I'm sure many people will agree, it will cut down on spam a little at least...