Hey Guys! I got really sick on Thursday, and this is the first time I have been one my computer since then, so I am back as long as I don't get sick again.
Originally posted by Strider Xero
Hey bitsys thanks a bunch, it worked!! =)
Forgive me if someone has already mentioned these, but I think it's a pretty reasonable and logical suggestion. Bitsys, do you plan on making different levels of classes?? For example, say a new nember chooses his Class as a normal Wizard. Once he/she reaches level 10, he/she will be automatically Re-classed as a Magician. Once he/she reaches level 20, again the user will re-classed to "Mage". When the user reaches 30, they become a Summoner, and so on and so on. Is this feature planned for future releases??
Also, I noticed on some boards, once a user chooses an alignment, element, race and class, it becomes permament. As in they will not be able to change any of it with that username--unless of course the feature I mentioned above was implemented, and only their class would change. Do you plan on making this feature in future releases??
Suggestion1: I believe that was in the original class hack. The problem I had with it in this hack is that for each class, you would have to assign a post count and a Name for that level of the class. This seemed like a ton of work, plus, it would have been hard to implement in the postbit stuff as well as battle. I am still looking into it though.
Suggestion2: It has been suggested before, and I am still thinking about it.
xxskullxx (first post):
Assuming you are still having that problem, what do you have your battle options screen set to?
It would be out sooner if I hadn't gotten sick and if I didn't have tomorrow booked solid.
Strider Xero explained how do to that 2 posts above you. If you do want that feature, then you can no longer have levels based on post count. However, if you still wnat levels based on post count, then I can make it so that only the winner of the battle gets experience when the results of the battle are posted to a forum.
The referral idea sounds easy enough.
The problem with updating stats automatically is that every time you made a post, it would have to run through the update stats code. I am not sure that this is what everyone wants, since that would add quite a few queries each time a user posts.
How did the battle end?
They should not be losing money when they update their stats. In fact, the update stats code does not even touch the user's money. There must be something else causing the members to lose money.
v0id (second post):
Nope, its not supposed to do that. I will look into it.
v0id (third post):
Open up "Member Profile Add-on.txt" that was included in the .zip file. Copy the appropriate code into index.php above the point where the forumhome template is called.
In the code you just pasted, find:
PHP Code:
and replace it with
PHP Code:
You should now be able to use all of the variables that are listed at thebottom of "Member Profile Add-on.txt" in your forumhome template.
Strider Xero:
What are your Battle Options set to?