I hope supreemball doesn't mind but I modded some of the code to display time and date of most chatters. Basically, all I did was do some cutting and pasting of what was there. The following is what I changed...
Beginning at:
if (%record.users == $null) { set %record.users $nick(#channel,0) }
else {
if ($nick(#channel,0) > %record.users) {
set %record.users $nick(#channel,0)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ mostnicks = $chr(34) $+ %record.users $+ $chr(34) $+ $chr(59)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ totalnicks = $chr(34) $+ %totalnicks $chr(34) $+ $chr(59) ?>
if (%record.users == $null) { set %record.users $nick(#channel,0) }
else {
if ($nick(#channel,0) > %record.users) {
set %record.users $nick(#channel,0)
if (%record.date == $null) { set %record.date $date(ddd mmm doo yyyy) }
else {
if ($nick(#channel,0) > %record.users) {
set %record.date $date(ddd mmm doo yyyy)
if (%record.time == $null) { set %record.time $time(h:nntt) }
else {
if ($nick(#channel,0) > %record.users) {
set %record.time $time(h:nntt)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ mostnicks = $chr(34) $+ %record.users $+ $chr(34) $+ $chr(59)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ mostdate = $chr(34) $+ %record.date $+ $chr(34) $+ $chr(59)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ mosttime = $chr(34) $+ %record.time $+ $chr(34) $+ $chr(59)
write -a nicks.php $chr(36) $+ totalnicks = $chr(34) $+ %totalnicks $chr(34) $+ $chr(59) ?>
Then in Forumhome_Loggedinusers beggining at:
colspan="6"><normalfont color="#000000"><b>Current #channel chatters: $totalnicks</b></normalfont> <smallfont>(Most chatters ever in #channel: $mostnicks)</smallfont></td>
<td bgcolor="#13486D" colspan="6"><smallfont>
colspan="6"><normalfont color="#000000"><b>Current #channel chatters: $totalnicks</b></normalfont></td>
<td bgcolor="#13486D" colspan="6"><smallfont>
<nobr>There are currently $totalnicks members in chat.</nobr> | <nobr>Most chatters ever online was $mostnicks on $mostdate at $mosttime.</nobr><br>
I'm new here and I hope I'm not breaking some rules. If so then please delete this post. Many thanks go out to supreemball for providing such a great hack-this has been my fav install thus far. My chatroom went from the occasional 1-2 users who would stay for about 5 minutes and then leave when no one else was there to a busy, vibrant chatroom with around 15-20 users at a time being common.