Originally posted by mr e
4. also something else, i dunno how hard it would be, but if you made each item a seperate variable ex: $item1, $item2 etc then it would be easier to arrange them, instead of all in a straight line we could do it in rows or something
I could do that, but people would have to remember to put another variable in their postbit template every time they added a new item category. Is that what you want?
Strider Xero:
In the Battle Options Menu, do you have "Calculate user levels based on post count" turned off?
If so, then open up the help documents. Go to Battle->Admin->Options. Scroll down until you find "Name of the field used to store a user's level" in bold. Read that and do what it says.
In the Edit Items Menu, check to make sure you don't have duplicate categories. Also, if you have phpmyadmin, go to the table `items_user` and browse it. Tell me how many columns there are, not including 'userid', 'bankuser', or 'btime'.