Originally posted by ZaonDude
Couple of things, as I'm new here, ... but first: great hack! Thank you!
I received an identical error as freeshares1 did (the global.php unable to access the admin/config.php file) and solved it the same way by changing the full server UNC path to:
Second item... and I don't know if this was something peculiar to just my server or not, but the archives were displaying uber slow. I tried changing the 'include' command for the header/footer lines from:
include "$archiveurl/footer.php";
(notice that i renamed the actual header.php file to header.txt). And, all of a sudden the whole archives site display became lightning quick! Not sure what that was about, but I wasn't familiar with the include command and I was with the readfile command which allowed web URLs, which is why I tried it. Again, not sure if the massive difference in speed was unique to my site or not.
Third item is that I'd like the order of threads displayed sticky first followed by most recent and ending with the oldest thread instead of the other way around... Is this what I change in the forum file:
FROM thread
WHERE thread.forumid = $forumid
AND thread.visible=1
ORDER BY sticky DESC, lastpost
?? Do I change the 'DESC' to 'ASC' or something? Or, is it more complicated than that?
The last question/issue I have is with the main index.php display of the forums table. The individual forums (forums that contain threads) link properly and perfectly. However, the forum Groups (the non-indented titles that have indented forums beneath them) link to a blank page containing only part of my header/footer and no data. Everything else links/works great. Is there any way to fix this or better yet have only Group titles be plain text instead of hyperlinked?
Thanks, SkuZZy!!
For the last item, I had to change the manner that my forums were displayed on the page and make a modification to the index.php file. My forum depth is set to one, but I have many subforums. I used to use a category-->Category-->forum format, but got blank paged like you. Now, I have a Forum-->Category-->Forums Hierarch where the catogories and the forums are subbed to only the top fourm. Here is an example:
Old Format:
4 Stoke Forum--> Used to be a category
YZ426 Actual Forum.
In its original form, only the 4 stroke forum was listed and resulted in blank pages when clicked.
Here is the new format:
4 Stroke Forum-->Acts as a Forum
YZ 426--Acts as a forum. Note that this is NOT a sub of Yamaha any longer
Coupled with the following change to the index.php file, I have complete indexing of the site!
if ($depth<$forumhomedepth+1) {
echo "<ul>";
echo "</ul>";
Good Luck