This is an excellent hack. Thank you very much not only for the hack, but for the clean install, the clean layout using templates, and the overall high quality of this.
Ran into a problem with this in 2.2.9. When I first set it up, my polls forum was empty. Not having any polls to display would cause the myvbindex.php to crash. If I turned off the showing of polls, or just created a poll in my polls forum, then the front page worked.
That's the extent of my ability to do custom things so I have a question for you: Could you possibly provide some code that would allow me to specifify only certain forums to use when considering the "latest threads" on the front page? I am of course trying to do this on my own but; since I can't actually code php I'm certain it will take me years to figure out. It would be nice to have in the vBulletin options, where the other myvbindex stuff is, to have a text field where I can just list the forum ID's with some delimeter in-between them that I would like to use on the front page; and it would then ignore all other forums for the front page new threads listing. I hope it doesn't hurt to ask this and if this is viewed as inappropriate to ask for, I apologize.
Thanks again for this extremely usefule and very high quality hack.