Ok, i was looking for new toys to add to our site now that i am on a bit of a power rush (we just dropped in a new colo box running as a dedicated MySql server that is a MONSTER).....
I found a script which is absolutely awesome......
It is a bookmark script which allows the addition of a button to your browser for quick addition to your bookmarks, allows categories, multiple users, and best of all?? The db schema is designed with all tables have an apb_ prefix to the table name, so it should be pretty darned easy to integrate with VB. Plus, most of the actual HTML portions are in separate files, and i suspect that it wouldn't be difficult AT ALL to make a few revisions which would allow the bookmarks system to inherit VB styles & play nice with the templates.....because theirs is all modular.
The only real trick i think would be the user integration, but even that should be a snap, because the only fields in the db for users are userid, username, and password, all of which VB already handles.
So.......which one of you code geniuses wants to whip up a quick integration for those of us who are less gifted ????