Originally posted by DrkFusion
What would be the best solution for people who do not have mod_rewriting capabilities, like ensim users, and other users.
I know some people here do not have the luxury of mod_rewriting like me and Chris, and I think Teck too.
I have done something similar, but I am not satisified by the method I used, I am looking for a more organized way. I am open to your or anyone elses suggestions.
(I have done massive editing to achieve the effect, and I added some extra stuff to mimic vB3 archive, but I am willing to give this ALL UP, for something that will do the same thing as mod rewrite)
I personally detest ensim, but I am stuck on it for awhile, and ensim does not allow mod_rewriting, there are always errors, like forbidden, and internal server errors. I either have to bug my host to add it, and even then its a pain.
Great job, and please suggest sume stuff
I will probably release a version that doesn't require mod_rewrite. I wouldn't beable to add the .html extensions to the pages though. However, it would be possible to remove the .php from the file names without using mod_rewrite (using .htaccess instead). So the URL's would look like
http://www.battleforums.com/archive/topic/400 instead of
http://www.battleforums.com/archive/topic/400.html ... not alot of difference, but google DOES like .html better I think. They suspicious when a site has thousands of different directories