About 4 boards with this so far and I really would like to add it to my board. I first saw it on yaxay and now on tech forum and other 2 other boards. I dont see it on yaxay anymore. I think they took it off but its still on tech forum, battleboards and others. I know its simple to do but I wish I know alot about php. Guess its time to buy that php for dummy.
Its basicly a category with one forum and on that forum, there is also 4 forums on it with 4 graphics. If u dont understand what I just said, I will give you link to an example and also a screenshot.
on the category where it says "Weekly competitions and tournaments"
Hope someone can do it for me. will truely appreciate it.
been looking for it and this can spice up my site really good.
PM me if u can.
I also attached a screenshot