The .tcl file should go in your eggdrop directory, and you should have your eggy load it on startup (this is done via the .conf file).
You give the eggdrop a list of servers in its .conf file also.
Check, they've got some invaluable tips there (including how to compile your bot for long nicks (nicks over the 9 character standard - Dalnet, etc.)
If the IRC server you're using has "Thales" hooked up to it, see if they have web-based URLs to tie it in. Will be easier/quicker to just grab those n' parse them into your page than messing around setting up an eggdrop (although, you won't have the protection/toys in your channel that a bot is capable of offering).
Check That's an IRC server with a web-interface. You can just request raw flat text files of channel info to have you script play with.
"Thales" is an IRC Server (at least as far as other servers are concerned) that writes out data real-time to a MySQL database (although this can cause a lot of headaches unless Thales & the MySQL server are both localhost to each other).
I've been playing around with a Bahamut/SIRV/Thales combo recently on our dedicated box to see how I can integrate it into intract with vB/vBHome, so it'll be interesting to see how it all eventually works out for us.
It's mainly so that channel registrants can do exactly this kind of thing without having to mess around.
It's working quite well so far, and as soon as the site goes live, I'll actually give you all the URL to have a play and see it for yourselves