Marty - The reason that posts are not appearing as news if you move them is because only posts that are started in the news forum will have the 'isnews' column updated. I should have some time later this evening or tomorrow to play with it and tell you how to change it so that a post in any forum could become news.
The problem I have at the moment is that with the news forum being hidden, if a user wants to add a comment, they can't since they aren't allowed to post in hidden forums.
If you changed your news forum and set it so that it was not private and set "Is active?" to no, then your users would be able to reply to and read news posts, but the forum would not appear on your main forums index page.
Tony - Were the news posts made before you installed the hack? If so, then that's why the news wasn't working. It will only recognize news posts that have been posted after the hack has been installed. Either way running the query I gave you above will update the posts so they will appear on your homepage. Please re-read the instructions I gave. 17 is your fourmid, not the postid. You would need to find the postid for each news post and replace the XX in the query with that number. The 'Y' in that query should not be changed.
WSB - You have to set your News Forum ID in your admin options before it will work properly.