Hello... I wish I could do this myself... unfortunately, I'm terirble at coding...
I'd like better control of my icons. I'm switching my forums from a YaBB forum to vB, and I'd like to keep my icon schema (you can view my icon scema
by clicking here
Unfortunately, vB uses radio buttons for icons. I'd much rather prefer a pull-down menu that has topic names and a single image to the side that can be changed via java script, like in the YaBB version. My icons are 50x50, and I can't use them if I have to clutter up the entire screen with them.
But then that got me to thinking... I've looked, but not seen many mods that give admins any sort of advanced icon control (maybe I missed it?). It seems to me that a good hack would give the admin the choice between a pull down or a radio button menu and control over the icon size on the thread view page via the control panel. It doesn't seem like it would be all that difficult a hack... though I could be wrong.
If anyone would like to take a crack at this, I'd much appreciate it... or if not, and you'd just like to tell me how I can get my desired effect of a YaBB like pulldown menu (as desribed above), that would be appreciated too.