Originally posted by PlurPlanet
Marty - Adding news through the Admin CP, adding the link to the postbit, and adding the forums homepage under the news would require a little hacking. I can most likely tell you what to change, but it might be a day or two since it's the holidays.
If you want, I'll contine working on the news Via Postbit thing. I think it would actually be a good deal easier if it was possible to have it such that NEWS on the front page could be read from any thread in any forum, so long as "isnews" was set, thus no longer requiring the special forums. The problem I have at the moment is that with the news forum being hidden, if a user wants to add a comment, they can't since they aren't allowed to post in hidden forums. It would be far easier if the NEWS thread was in a normal forum but simply had a special property attached to it that set it apart from normal threads (such as a sticky).