I plan to implement this very soon. My system won't be as complex, as I haven't found a hack to do it.
I am running 2..2.9 so if anyone knows of one please let me know.
What I want for contributing members at a price of $5/month:
1. They get another special title under name.
2. They get access to a contributing members forum. This forum is key and will hold hundreds of technical documents all in PDF format. Documents added monthly.
3. A monthly publication
4. Access to a forum to ask questions and a website tech answers (technical automotive questions).
5. Ability to upload an avater
The main thing people will like is the publications we will release. They will be how to documents and more.
Anyone know of a hack where I could put peole an a usergroup and they can get access to a special forum, custom avaters, and be able to have another title that says "Contributing Member" under name?
Hope to hear some feedback.