Originally posted by Sebastian
well since this hack lacks any support here,.. I've uninstalled it.. got kinda tired fooling with bugs.. and personally, i don't see any progress here. despite the author claiming a new version over a month ago.. kinda hard to beta test something when bugs aren't being fixed.
Don't let the door hit you on the way out.
There is a new version, it is up and running on my site WITH the bugs fixed, and it will be released as soon as I am able to sit down and dedicate a few hours to coming up with a viable install file. I once again made the mistake of saying I could do it when I was busy with other stuff, and I apologize for that.
But still,
I am getting hate mail both here and on my own sites because of this hack. Do you people really think that motivates me to work on it? I know it is only a few people here and there, but still, it isn't the best motivator. I should note that I am also receiving a good number of requests from unlicensed vB users trying to get support from me.
I should be back home in a day or so and at that time I will make it a priority to get the version that I have finished released. I also have the .FLA files of the five current games ready to go and will post those as well.
I would work on it right now, but it is 3 AM and I'm sitting in a cheapo motel room in Utah using my notebook and a cell phone to access the internet at like 1 KB/sec.