Install help Global php
I know I am missing something simple, but for the life of me I can't figure it out.
I am getting the same errors as Supernut was, the only difference is that vbhl is installed as directed with a rootdirectory, then a forum directory.
I have tried every shorrt and long version I can come up with for the location of the admin directory. I tried the script revealed with the info.php file and used that address without sucess.
This is what my global.php currently looks like
// Enter your Admin CP path here (no slash) //////////////////////
$adminpath = '/home/thewatc/public_html/testforum/admin';
// done editing //////////////////////////////////////////////////
If this helps this is what the program calls the file
Editing /home/thewatc/public_html/testforumGlobal.php...
Any ideas would be appreciated