my apologies this head cold is not helping me think straight.
I created this vbcode but its still not working perhaps you can help me out.
vB code tag: amazon
vB code replacement: code as posted above with asin replaced by {option}
vB code example: [amazon=00000000][/amazon]
Use option = Yes
When i save this it messes up the display of the list of custom vBcodes in the adminCP and when i edit it I see that it cuts off the code about midway through. i'm assuming that its because the relevant column in the db has a 255 char limit.
I tried to change it to replace it with a php include that includes a basic php function that echos the text and fills in the asin with the variable i passed. the only problem is that this doesnt get parsed as php code so it just appears in the thread as <?php>include('some_file.php');</?>.
I'm thinking the only way to acheive it using vBcode is to create a .js that holds the code i need and then use a two-line piece of html that sets a variable with the asin and then calls the script whilst passing it the asin at the same time. but i dont know javascript.
am i on the right track?
thanks for your help