Uploaded new version with small bugfix
be sure you also make the table change to have lastupdate in it
Boofo: Well, yes it can be changed, if you use the threadtable instead of the forum-table, but the forumtable is faster, and on an unhacked vb229 i've used the optimized version
once it's out of the beta i can make it for you or post it here ok?
must be a little different in 2.2.9
hmm, no i've compared it with an unhacked vb229 file, maybe your fle is hacked...
Xenon, I did a re-fresh with 21 queries, it jumped to 23 and on another refresh, it went down to 17. I figure it was the cache kicking it.
Yes there are 3 extra queries compared to an normal forumhome call when the cache is updated, but at least 3 less to a normal one if read out from the cache.
But the additional queries are very fast from what i know compared to the others