Originally posted by Bitsys
I am not sure as to why you are having trouble with items showing up.
The level is supposed to show up in the postbit, not in the user profile.
The bars are also supposed to be in the postbit.
I noticed that you overwrote the "Unknown" Alignment with something else. This means that if you use that alignment, then you won't be able to particiate in battles because you must have an alignment other than the original Unknown.
Also, did you run "install_itemshop_items.php"? It seems that you did not run it or you did not go through it all the way because there are only two users in your 'battle_stats' database, when there are supposed to be around 71.
There is a stickied thread in the "Hacking Hints and Tips" forum called Tutorial: Upgrade your hacked board in less then 30 minutes. Try that.
I do know how to make the Lesane Store hack integrated with this hack, however I do not have instructions on how to do that at this time.
Hmm. i didn't run the install Items... stupid me.
what's the postbit?
I'll fix the alignment thing, thanx for the upgrading hacked boards tip, and do you think you could type up instructions for integration wit lesane's hack? I'd really appreciate it...