Originally posted by mli
It's not that easy....How are we supposed to tell what files we need to edit? And there's soooo many edits? There is no update file? WHY??!!!
It is very easy to use the beyond compare methods, since that is how I make the previous upgrade files.
There is no update file because it takes me 2 hours+ to make one. From the warnings section:
Do not install this hack on a production board. Please keep this hack, while in the BETA stage, to a test board. The reason for not installing this on a production board is that I cannot provide upgrade instructions for going from one version of the beta hack to the next version of the beta hack. Also, this hack does not have an un-install script yet. So please remember, if you decide to install this on a production board, you are doing so at your own risk.
Also, it is very hard to test the update file because I have to actually do it, which takes another 45 minutes to an hour based on the number of changes. This particular update has an unusually large number of changes because of all the new features I added.
There is no uninstall script because each uninstall script would have to be different depending on which version you installed. Each version of the un-install script would then need to be tested and re-tested to make sure that it took out everything and worked fine. This takes a long time.
So, economically speaking, it is more productive to work on adding more features for the next version rather than working on an upgrade/un-install script for the current version, as implied in the warnings section. Also, just because I have not made an upgrade script for this version yet, it does not mean I won't do so in the future. It just takes so long to do that I would rather let the Test board people have a go at it before I waste 3 hours making an upgrade file.
This rule does not apply to the final release. If I find a need to update the final release, then upgrade instructions will ALWAYS be included as well as an uninstall script.