Originally posted by Strider Xero
how do i un-install v .55?
Umm...install it in reverse?
Seriously though, you have several options:
1. If you want to upgrade to the new version, then get Beyond Compare 2 from
www.scootersoftware.com. Then, open up the two install files side-by-side (the ones ending with .hack from version 0.55 and 0.56) and make the necessary changes based on the differences in the two files.
2. If you want to uninstall and re-apply, then replace all of your hacked files with the backup files you were supposed to make when you installed the hack the first time. Then, go in to your database and remove tables that begin with "battle", "items", or "rpg". Next, remove any profile fields you (or the hack) added. Next, delete all templates in your template table that begin with "battle", "itemshop", or "rpg_". Last, remove the added fields from the template "modifyprofile" that were added by the hack. You should then be set to re-apply the hack!
Easy as that!