3.7 released for regular users. Now the script uses only 10 queries and the install is a breeze.

Enjoy and upgrade asap.
Version 3.7 is a great improvement related to the installation and queries usage. The script uses it's own global file, that doesn't interact that much with vBulletin so there is no need to worry about templates not showing properly, permissions errors, incorrect logins, etc. It installs like a breeze.
Also several new options we're added as standard features, that can be enabled (disabled) as usual, through admin CP options.
For the full list of options, see the readmefirst file (to many to list here and to tired).
Heh, don't panic if you have to do only 3 minor changes (actually, if you upgrade, is only one...) to your vBulletin files...
I worked hard for you guys to make it as easy as possible to install it.
Since 3.7 changed completely related to the variables usage, you will need to uninstall the old version and re-install the new one. To do this, follow those steps:
1. Undo all changes, except STEP 1 and 3, from the old v3.6 instructions page
2. Revert all your templates to default!! Very important!!
3. Uninstall the old script using the NEW install file.
4. Delete all old files from your folders.
5. Open the NEW readmefirst file and be amazed how easy is to do everything, as well how many great options you get in this release.